
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My silent reading today

In this book I have read from page 5 to page 17.

In this book it tells us that ash and Gary had a Pokemon battle. Ash used Pikachu and Gary used Eevee. they challenged because Gary came out of no where and said some things to ash.

When they were challenging Ash told Pikachu to thunder strike Eevee, But when Pikachu was thunder striking Eevee, Eevee appeared a blue  around him and blew Pikachu away. Pikachu landed perfect on his feet but Pikachu tried his hardest but he lost the match.

1 comment:

  1. Dereon,
    Well done, for finishing your Silent Reading Summary.

    I like the way you have written it in your own words.

    Next Steps - double check your writing to make sure you have Capital letters for all your characters names.
