
Monday, May 27, 2019

Public or Private?

Public or Private??
Making decisions about what personal information I will share online and what personal information I will keep private.
Decide whether each item of the information below is personal information that you would share online or keep private.
A. Personal Information that you would share online
B. Personal Information that you would keep private
How many brothers and sisters you have
Favorite subjects at school
My learning goals
My strengths - what I am good at
Favorite things e.g. hobbies, interests
The name of your pet
Your first name
Full name (first and last)
Home address
Email address
Date of birth
Phone number
Brothers and sisters names
Someone I admire
Parents names

This activity is asking us what would we post online and what personal information you think would not go online

Learning goal - I am learning to understand what is personal information or what is information that you could post online and let other people know things about you.

Success Criteria - I have learned the meanings of the word and telling if their public or private, and moving them to the right table. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Maniakalani Learner Questionnaire 2019

Completed work  
This activitie asks questions about yourself like:
  • How old are you?
  • What year are you?
  • Does learn, create share help you with your learning?
  • Does learn, create share help you with reading, writing, and math?

Friday, May 3, 2019

Athol Hudson

Athlos story
Athol Hudson was the son of Dr. James and Beatrix Hudson. Made by Group 3.